DOSSIER: When you wrote FLASH POINT for the first book in the Blackwells series, how did you feel about moving from doing historical romantic suspense into writing about an FBI agent and the world of high-value asset recovery? Be honest, is there a side of you that sometimes wishes you could go through the Hogan’s Alley training range in Quantico or search for centuries-old treasure, or is the occasional kayak and hiking excursion enough?

DEVLYN: The culture shock was incredible. I’m still recovering. Who knew it would be so freeing for my heroine to be able to drop the f-bomb or fire a Glock at a baddie or refuse a third cup of tea??

DOSSIER: The day your first book came out, you went to work that morning and then answered questions on a release party blog during your lunchbreak, didn’t you? How has release day changed for you over the years now that you are a … well, USA Today bestselling author with so much more control?

DEVLYN: Nowadays, I’m writing full-time. Which means my release days are exactly the same as before, except now I don’t have to wait until my lunch break to comment, repost, or retweet—or is it reX now?

DOSSIER: When and where do you write, and what kind of environment do you prefer? (Music/silence/your own personal writing room at the Biltmore?)

DEVLYN: I much prefer the library to the music room. All that pounding on the pianoforte can be so distracting. When I’ve had my fill of the gawking tourists, you can generally find me writing away on my reMarkable tablet in my FROG hideout or on the screened-in porch with my rescue dog.

DOSSIER: When you say you’re a “pasta lover”—and this is an important point for the entire staff at The Dossier—please explain more about what you mean. Does it go as far as making your own old-world pasta dough at home with specialty curated semolina four and organic eggs, or are you just the first in line at Olive Garden waiting for the doors to open on a Tuesday?

DEVLYN: When we moved from the burbs of Chicago to the foothills of Western North Carolina three years ago, I had visions of making my own pasta. Got all the equipment I needed for Christmas one year, and I was ready to go. Then I watched a few videos and saw how much work was involved. Rust has now collected on my pasta maker.

But that’s okay. I happily visit the Asheville City Market and purchase the most amazing homemade pasta from a nice gentleman. Some say I have a keen eye for ferreting out the best pasta dishes on any menu. Could be I have an addiction. Best not to think on it too long.

DOSSIER: The Dossier believes you’re on to something by meshing in a little more romance into a traditional thriller because of the way it fills a gap in the genres. What kind of feedback have you received from thriller readers vs feedback from your earlier romance/suspense fans?

Are the thriller people all, “Ew, more killing & less kissing?” or do they secretly appreciate the break from the brooding loner whose only lover is the sacrifice of their demanding job of saving the world?

DEVLYN: So far, I’ve been saved from any “Ewww” emails. Could be I haven’t penetrated the traditional thriller market substantially enough yet. Stay tuned.


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