DOSSIER: Garrett Kohl, Walt Longmire, and Porter Beck walk into a bar. Whose drink has an umbrella in it?

MOORE: I think you might’ve forgotten a none of the above option. Maybe the real question is what would happen if someone dared to bring it up, or what if they had to team up to take on the whole bar. You know, we might be on to something fun here.

DOSSIER: Out of FIRESTORM, DOWN RANGE, and RICHOCET, which one was the hardest to write?

MOORE: FIRESTORM was definitely the hardest. It’s the classic second book problem. I was writing this novel while waiting for DOWN RANGE to debut. At that point, you’re flying blind because you don’t have any reader feedback yet. And the looming deadline doesn’t help either. Nice to have that one behind me.

DOSSIER: CIA and cowboys … who’s better at poker?

MOORE: My kneejerk response would be cowboys, simply because they get so much practice. Of course, no one can top the CIA when it comes to cunning. But put those two together and you’re really on to something. I guess that’s why Garrett Kohl is a little Doc Holiday, and a little Mitch Rapp.

DOSSIER: When and where do you write, and what kind of environment do you prefer?(Music/silence/closet?)

MOORE: When I’m writing, I prefer to be out and about in a lively place like a coffee house. Crowd noise and loud music actually energizes me. I can somehow focus in and really get a lot done. When I’m editing though, I like to be in my office, usually with some quiet instrumental music playing.

DOSSIER: How was the CIA pre-publication review process and what was your plan to subvert it?

MOORE: To this point, I really can’t complain. The process has been easy, and they’ve always reviewed and approved the manuscripts in a timely manner. Never planned to bypass the PCRB. In fact, I can almost hear the black helicopters circling overhead at the thought of subversion.


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