S.A. Cosby
All The Sinners Bleed
Edgar & Barry Nominated – Best Novel 2024

DOSSIER: Since nobody ever asks, why is a lion your favorite animal?

SA: Well I’m a Leo so I’ve always had an affinity for lions, then when I was 12 I went to the zoo and saw the lions in their den. Their quiet power and undercurrent of violence fascinated me and still do. 

DOSSIER: You started out writing short stories before your novels took off, and you’ve helped a lot of other great writers advance their careers with other sound advice. What would you tell someone who doesn’t want to break into the business by writing for magazines or anthologies first or if they’ve already written a whole novel and just want it published?

SA: I think if you already have a whole novel it’s good to study different agents and see what they are looking for. Agents want to find a good book, it’s their jobs. Don’t worry so much about the query letter, worry about writing something interesting.

DOSSIER: When and where do you write, and what kind of environment do you prefer? (Absolute silence/music playing/dark corner of the bar with headphones on?)

SA: I currently have written all my books in my recliner on a lap desk listening to music on my headphones …. with my cat stalking me.

DOSSIER: Whenever you’re at a public event, you’re always so outgoing, kind, and giving with all the people you meet. (Our photo together at Bouchercon was a Dossier highlight.) I even witnessed people walking away from you saying things like, “He’s so friendly!” Given everyone you’ve met, from Questlove to Bobby Mathews, has there been a public interaction with anyone that didn’t go quiet as expected?

SA: haha, I think early on in my career I had a interaction with a fairly established writer who was (I’m going to assume) having a bad day.  Another writer tried introducing us and this writer said “yeah yeah the new hot kid whatever” and because I’m a smart aleck I said “nice to meet the soon to be has been.” 

My mama said always make someone regret disrespecting you.

DOSSIER: As your book RAZORBLADE TEARS sits in a long Hollywood line to be made into a movie, how do you feel about the process of taking your book to a film now versus how you felt when you first found out that Jerry Bruckheimer’s company had won the rights to make the movie?

SA: lol, I’m still in awe of the movie business, and I’m still shocked Mr. Bruckheimer took a chance on my book. It feels like a dream.

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